


In 2024, continuing being pionner LazerXtreme was the first to introduce the outmost technology, NeoXperience a unique offer, immersive room with interactive and inclusive wall offering fun, creative, and accessible appropriate for all ages, as well as for people with disabilities.

This innovative concept combines a wide range of physical activities and video games. With 30+ games of 5 minutes for more social and unforgettable extreme experiences.

Available in various configurations, and ideal for Malls, event, retails sector leisure and sport, Neoxperience is a tailor-made solution to your needs.

Interested in offering Neoxperience to your guest? Visit us or Contact LazerXtreme the Neoxperience’s distributor in the Philippines : info@lazerxtreme.com.ph ; +63 917 609 16 19”


Socialize: Play with family and friends, ideal as well for Team Building by establishing rapportamong team members in an organization.
Inclusive: Appropriate for all ages from 4 to 99 years old including as well for people with disabilities.
Intuitive: No need to be an expert, easy access at
Endless Fun: with more than 30 games available each experience is different.
Unique: another extreme experience only available at LazeXtreme.
Stress Buster: Helps people to release frustration and stress, whether work related or not.
Health Benefits: Working out, burn calories, reduces stress and keeps a person mentally fit aswell while playing video games.


Available in various configurations, and ideal for Malls, event, retails sector leisure and sport,
Neoxperience is a tailor-made solution to your needs.
EXPAND your customer’s reach
INCREASE your business
STAND OUT from competitors
Interested in offering Neoxperience to your guest? Visit us or Contact LazerXtreme the Neoxperience’s distributor in the Philippines : info@lazerxtreme.com.ph ; +63 917 609 16 19”.


Try out NeoXperience our unique interactive and immersive wall!